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Community Legal Resources in Windsor

Legal Resources in Windsor and Essex County for the Community

Community Legal Resources

Local Legal Resources


Community Legal Aid
Located in downtown Windsor (443 Ouellette Avenue, 2nd Floor, Windsor), CLA is a Student Legal Aid Services Society (SLASS) legal clinic offering services to University of Windsor undergraduate students and members of the Windsor-Essex community living on low income. Students work in the following areas of law: summary conviction criminal matters, provincial offences, housing law for tenants, small claims including wrongful dismissal, employment standards, family, and academic integrity matters.


Legal Assistance of Windsor
Located in downtown Windsor (443 Ouellette Avenue, 2nd Floor, Windsor), LAW is a community legal clinic offering services to members of the Windsor-Essex community living on low income. Law students, social workers, and lawyers provide service in the following areas of law: housing law for tenants, Criminal Injuries Compensation, Ontario Works, Ontario Disability Support Program, Employment Insurance, and refugee/immigration.


Windsor-Essex Bilingual Legal Clinic
Located in the Langlois Community Hub (1770 Langlois Avenue, Windsor), WEBLC is a non-profit community legal clinic funded by Legal Aid Ontario that serves individuals with low-income, living in the Windsor and Essex County Region. Their services include providing summary advice, referrals and legal representation. They also provide public legal information sessions to community agencies and community members.They are also a part of C.A.R.E for International Workers Program and assist Temporary Foreign Workers in understanding and exercising their legal rights.


Law Depot

Those with a library card from the Windsor Public Library can borrow 30 days of access to Law Depot, an online service that allows users to create legal documents specific to their personal situation.

Provincial Legal Resources


Legal Aid Ontario
Legal Aid Ontario provides legal aid certificates, which select lawyers will accept as payment. You must meet qualifications to obtain a legal aid certificate. Provides services in areas of law such as Criminal law, Family law, Immigration issues, Domestic Violence, and Mental Health legal issues.


CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario)
CLEO focuses on providing information to people who face barriers to accessing the justice system, including income, disability, literacy, and language. As a community legal clinic and part of Ontario’s legal aid system, CLEO works in partnership with other legal clinics and community organizations across the province. CLEO provides resources and information on the legal system and topics such as Abuse and Family Violence, Family law, Income Assistance, Criminal law, Health and Disability, Debt and Consumer Rights, Housing law, Employment and Work matters, and Immigration matters.


Steps to Justice

Steps to Justice provides step-by-step legal information on topics such as Housing law, Abuse and Family Violence, Debt and Consumer Rights, Provincial Offences, Family law, Criminal law, Human Rights, Immigration law, Employment and Work, Income Assistance, Wills and Powers of Attorney, Education, Refugee law, Health and Disability, French language Rights and information on Tribunals and Courts. The site also provides Guided Pathways which uses free online interviews to fill out legal forms, draft letters, and identify your next steps.


Ontario Legal Information Centre
The Ontario Legal Information Centre provides a half hour of free legal advice over the phone with a lawyer. This service is confidential and does not have any eligibility criteria.


The Law Society of Ontario
The Law Society of Ontario governs Ontario's Lawyers and Paralegals in the public interest. They provide resources to find a lawyer or paralegal in your area that specializes in the area of law you need. as well as information on steps to justice and legal resources for the public.


Human Rights Legal Support Centre

Human Rights Legal Support Centre (HRLSC) provides free legal help to people in Ontario who have experienced discrimination under Ontario's Human Rights Code and for all matters relating to the application process at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. The HRLSC is headquartered in Toronto, and has lawyers in Guelph, Windsor, London and Thunder Bay.


National Legal Resources


National Self-Represented Litigants Project (NSRLP)

NSRLP regularly publishes resources designed specifically for self-represented litigants, as well as research reports that examine the implications for the justice system.



JusticeNet is a not-for-profit service helping people in need of legal expertise, whose income is too high to access legal aid and too low to afford standard legal fees. JusticeNet is available to anyone living in Canada whose net family income is under $59,000 and is experiencing financial difficulties. Reduced fees are calculated according to a sliding scale which takes into account the number of individuals supported and amount of income from all sources.